Acceptable Technology Use Policy

What is an Acceptable Use Policy?

     An acceptable use policy (AUP) is a document stipulating constraints and practices that a user must agree to for access to technology devices and the Internet.  An AUP is a legal document in the corporate world that sets the rules for technology usage.  On the school level an acceptable technology use policy is a contract signed by students and their parents as well as their teachers agreeing to the terms and use of technology in the classroom such as computers, Chromebooks, iPads, and the Internet.  An AUP includes rules for access and online behavior as well as penalties for breaking the rules.           


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Include the following items in an Acceptable Technology Use Policy:
1. Be Responsible.  Use the Internet and electronic devices for assigments as directed by the teachers. Use your own accounts. Follow copyright laws.   
2. Be Respectful.  Communicate online to others with respect.  Treat technology devices with care.  Respect the work and privacy of others.             
3.  Be Safe.  Keep password and login information private.  Refrain from sharing personal information on the Internet.  Tell an adult/teacher if you read or see something on the Internet that makes you feel uncomfortable.                 
Acceptable Use Policy for Technology in Our Classroom (Form for Parents, Students, and Teachers to Sign) 
Acceptable Use of Technology- Students

Developing a School Acceptable Use Policy

Technology Acceptable Use Policy


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Check-Out this YouTube video on Acceptable Use Policy:

Acceptable Use Policy by Kaitlin Faijks



Acceptable Use of Technology- Students- Policy 5160. Oak Park and River Forest High School.   

Acceptable Use Policy for Students retrieved from

Acceptable Use Policy for Technology in Our Classroom retrieved from 

Acceptable Use Policy Image retrieved from and

Developing a School Acceptable Use Policy. LETSNet.

Faijks, Kaitlin. Acceptable Use Policy. YouTube. YouTube, 14 September 2015,

Model Acceptable Use Policy Image retrieved from and

Rouse, Margaret. Acceptable Use Policy Definition. TechTarget.

Terry, Anne (25 September 2018). Technology Acceptable Use Policy. Cumberland County Schools.